
Pantone Green and a Glass of Lemonade 

Το Pantone Green and a Glass of Lemonade είναι ένα εργαστήριο/γλυπτό που θα διερευνήσει τρόπους με τους οποίους χτίζονται και αναπαρίστανται τα αντικείμενα στο χώρο.  Μέσα από μία συλλογική διαδικασία θα αναπτυχθούν και θα διαρθρωθούν οι σχέσεις ανάμεσα σε συμμετέχοντες και δημιουργούς, προσκαλώντας τη συμμετοχή οργανισμών που εμπλέκονται με τη τοπική κοινότητα της Κυψέλης. Το Pantone Green and a Glass of Lemonade θα πραγματοποιηθεί σε εσωτερικούς και εξωτερικούς χώρους του Bhive και σκοπός του είναι μέσω της ύλης και της δημιουργίας να εστιάσει στις διαφορετικές συμπεριφορικές διαδικασίες στην κοινωνία. Το Σάββατο στις 29 Νοεμβρίου το εργαστήριο/γλυπτό θα πραγματοποιηθεί από το μεσημέρι έως το τέλος της ημέρας. Μέρη του αρχικού σεναρίου/score/πρόσκληση θα έχουν διανεμηθεί εκ των προτέρων στους προσκεκλημένους.Ένα έργο από τη Βασιλική Σηφοστρατουδάκη σε συνεργασία με την Jessica Dunleavy, υποστιριζόμενο από το Snehta Residency κάτω από την αιγίδα του EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture).Το εργαστήρι/γλυπτό διοργανώνεται στα πλαίσια του προγράμματος Arts for Social Development και είναι ανοιχτό σε όλους. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες

Pantone Green and a Glass of Lemonade is a workshop and temporary sculptural work that aims to provide a space where possible strategies for building and reconsidering the representation of objects will be explored. Pantone Green and a Glass of Lemonade is a collective process which will test, unfold and develop relationships amongst the participating 'creators’ by inviting and involving the local community of Kypseli. Pantone Green and a Glass of Lemonade extends through both indoor and outdoor spaces, occupied by collections of objects: soapy walls of glass, piles of finely chopped leaves, squares of sieved soil, cuboids of sliced paper with flowers printed on them and a mountain of lemons. The workshop will explore different behavioural processes within society. Parts of a script/Invitation will be circulated in the preceding week to guide participants.Pantone Green and a Glass of Lemonade is a work by Vasiliki Sifostratoudaki in collaboration with  Jessica Dunleavy, supported by Snehta Residency and funded by EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture).The workshop is organised in the context of the Arts for Social Development programme. For further details For more informations
The photographs are taken by the participants and Megaklis Gazias, Giannis Sifostratoudakis, Jessica Dunleavy, Augustus Veinoglou and Vasiliki Sifostratoudaki 

an you smell lemons – cut them! 
Can you smell lemons – squeeze them!

Cut the leaves into the smallest pieces 
possible and blow them like confetti.

Cut a leaf into a perfect square and find 
a match on the wall.

Reveal or hide what is in front or behind.
Choose a square fill it.

Arrange the tiles
Deconstruct the column and fill in the grid.

Give a haircut to a plant of your choice.

Clay supports.
Clay holds.
Clay blocks.
Clay covers.

Help us make a wall garden, decorate 
with paper plants. Bush together.

Mark shapes on the floor. There are gaps 
to be filled will soil.

In the moment take a photograph. 
Show us what you see*

Special thanks to the BABEL DAY CENTRE for their help to invite the neighbour and translate the script/score/invitation to English, French, Arabic, Farsi, Albanian, Greek.

In a space extending and connected through indoor and outdoor areas of an old house-turned-artists’ studio stands a sculpture made up of collections of placed objects that would evolve through a process of human participation: a grid of grey tape exerts itself over parts of the indoor white floor and tiled veranda outside, some of its cells are filled with colourful tiles, its lines extend wayward while others stop abruptly, and some creep up the walls; a curious partition stands erect at an almost awkward angle just over a metre away upon entering the indoor space, it has a translucent, foggy surface while from the side profile, it almost disappears completely; piled into one of the inside corners of a cupboard are lemons, tens of lemons, almost hidden from view, some of them are joined by clay pressed between. These materials were drawn from memories of Athens - the local spaces and materials. They were also drawn for their qualities to activate possibilities of material exploration between people.

Those visiting Pantone Green and a Glass of Lemonade enter through an outdoor corridor running down the side of the building. The ground is mostly soil. A few colourful tiles have been pressed in as well as blocks of ice, which slowly melt over time. Placed sporadically are the Script/Score/Invitations, printed A4 sheets of white paper folded in a certain way. Through poetic phrases - translated into Greek, English, Arabic, Albanian and French (the prominent languages of the local area.) - they suggest possible actions to be carried out in the space. Through diagrams, they suggest possible formations for the sculpture to evolve into. Participants can take these voluntarily.

The people who came to participate were a diverse crowd: children, parents, carers, adults, students, men, women, Greeks, migrants, tourists, artsists, theorists, chemists and economists to name a few social classifications. They were populations from the local area of Kypseli as well as  ‘art world’ figures, friends and family of the artists who lived abroad or in other parts of Athens and Greece.
The engagement with the sculpture took place simultaneously inside and outside, while others gathered in small groups to chat for a while. Lemonade and cookies were served as refreshments.

Documentation of Pantone Green and a Glass of Lemonade occurred through the artists, a professional photographer, as well as participants taking pictures and videos with their own cameras, phones and the five disposable cameras left in the space.

The whole place was activated. It changed completely through the actions of the people: “You play with the imagination of the people – we made a live sculpture!”


Video Courtesy of A.S. 

Greece, Athens, November 2014

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